It is my goal to help you discover how you can begin to care for yourself through the power of food and nutrition. For me, dietary changes were the catalyst for an ever-evolving health journey, and if this is something that resonates with you, I'd love to be your partner, cheerleader, and educator in getting started, or as you continue along your path. 

As a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultant, I also work as part of a collaborative team at Parsley Health supporting complex patients with diet and lifestyle therapies. All of the clients who meet with our clinic’s doctors also have a visit with me, which means I’ve helped a lot of people. I support their clients in not only successfully adopting the necessary diet and lifestyle changes they need to heal — I also make it fun, delicious and help boost their confidence.

I’d like to help you do this too! But first…let me tell you a bit about me and how I got into the field of nutrition.

It was while studying at Living Light International Culinary Institute that I first discovered the benefits and limitless possibilities of plant based foods. 

My  horizons about food and nutrition expanded while becoming a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant at Bauman College, and I began to integrate the lessons of both these schools. Immersed in the world of clinical nutrition, and as a committed forever learner, I engaged in further Functional Nutrition training, and practiced the art of clinical application with the phenomenal Dr. Jolene Brighten. Continuously coming back to food as medicine. I created the meal plans and recipes for Beyond the Pill to support women in balancing hormones and taking back their power. And in devotion to my craft, I continue to dive deeper into the intersection of food and physiology with more studies in Functional Medicine.

It was through my studies and self experimentation that I came to understand the necessity of bio-individualized nutrition and that there was no one-size-fits-all approach to healing. 

My job is to help you to come into alignment with living the best version of yourself!

And when it comes to helping you, I am committed to finding the best approach to ensuring you reach your goals…and making that journey enjoyable.

If you'd like to work with me in conjunction with Parsley Health please see here. Or, click around and see how else we may be able to work together! 

I hope to meet you soon! 


And before you go, here’s some fun facts about me:

  • I was once an elementary school teacher and now lead nutrition workshops for The Teaching Well.

  • I live (and dance) in the kitchen!

  • Some days I'm a yogini, others I'm throwin' heavy weights - functional movement is my jam!

  • I keep my home cozy and my world big. I live in a small town in Mendocino County, but bounce around the Bay Area and travel any chance I get!

  • I’m really passionate about women’s health and co-founded, a website aimed at supporting mothers.